Mount Nebo Visitor Surge

Mount nebo

Mount Nebo in Jordan has seen a huge rise in the number of visitors during the first half of this year. Compared to last year, the number of visitors increased by an incredible 131.4 percent. A total of 387,015 people visited the site, which is a big jump from the 167,249 visitors in the same period last year.

Foreign tourists played a big role in this rise, making up most of the visitors. Out of the total, 364,746 were foreign tourists, while 22,269 were Jordanian nationals. This is a big change from last year’s numbers, where 147,773 foreign tourists and 19,476 Jordanians visited the site.

The reason Mount Nebo is so popular is because of its historical and archaeological importance. People come to see its famous sites like the Mar Elias area, the ancient fortified city of Khirbat Iskandar, the Mesha Stele inscription, the historical tower at Umm Ar-Rasas, and its deep religious history.

One of the most important reasons people visit Mount Nebo is because it is believed to be the final resting place of the Prophet Moses. It is also the spot where Moses first looked at the promised land, making it a significant place for religious pilgrims and history lovers alike.

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