Lebanon from Jordan

How far is Lebanon from Jordan

How far is Lebanon from Jordan

The distance between Jordan and Lebanon depends on where you are going. The straight-line distance from Amman, Jordan, to Beirut, Lebanon, is about 345 kilometers (214 miles).

Driving Distance from Jordan to Lebanon

If you drive, the distance from Amman to Beirut is around 470 kilometers (292 miles) using the most direct route.

Travel Time from Jordan to Lebanon

By road, the trip from Amman to Beirut usually takes about 6-7 hours. This can change based on traffic and how long it takes at the border crossing. It’s always good to check travel conditions before you start your trip.

How Close Are Jordan and Lebanon?

Jordan and Lebanon are quite close in the Levant region. Their geographical proximity makes travel between them fairly easy.

Can You Drive from Lebanon to Jordan?

Yes, you can drive between Lebanon and Jordan. You’ll need to cross the border with a valid passport, and you may need a visa, depending on your nationality. It’s important to check the latest travel requirements before going.

Ways to Travel from Jordan to Lebanon

There are a few options for traveling between Jordan and Lebanon:

  • By Road: You can drive or take a bus. The main border crossing is the King Hussein Bridge (also called Allenby Bridge). Make sure to check the rules for the border and any travel restrictions before you go.
  • By Air: Direct flights are available between Amman and Beirut. Several airlines offer regular flights, which is a fast and easy way to travel.
  • By Bus: Buses run between Amman and Beirut. This is a cheaper option, but it may take longer than flying.
  • By Taxi or Private Transfer: You can also hire a taxi or arrange a private transfer. This gives you more comfort and flexibility.
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