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How Much to Tip a Driver in Jordan

Understanding Tipping Culture in Jordan

Tipping, or “baksheesh,” is a common practice in Jordan and is often expected in various service industries, including transportation. However, the amount you should tip can vary based on the type of service and the quality of the experience. Understanding the local tipping culture can help you navigate these situations with ease and show appreciation for good service.

General Tipping Guidelines

Taxi Drivers

Jordan taxi

When it comes to taxi drivers in Jordan, tipping is appreciated but not mandatory. A general rule of thumb is to round up the fare to the nearest dinar. For example, if your fare is 4.5 JOD, you could round it up to 5 JOD. If the driver has been particularly helpful, such as assisting with luggage or providing useful local information, you might consider adding an extra 1-2 JOD.

Private Drivers and Tour Guides

Driver in Jordan

For private drivers and tour guides, tipping is more customary. These individuals often rely on tips as a significant part of their income. A good guideline is to tip around 10-15% of the total cost of the service. If you have a full-day tour, a tip of 10-20 JOD per day is generally appropriate. For multi-day tours, consider tipping 5-10 JOD per day.

Hotel Shuttle Drivers

Hotel Shuttle Drivers

Hotel shuttle drivers typically expect a small tip, especially if they help with your luggage. A tip of 1-2 JOD per bag is a good standard. If the driver provides exceptional service, you might consider tipping a bit more.

Factors Influencing the Tip Amount

Quality of Service

The quality of service is a significant factor in determining how much to tip. If the driver goes above and beyond to ensure your comfort and convenience, a higher tip is warranted. Conversely, if the service is subpar, you might opt for a smaller tip or none at all.

Duration of Service

The length of time you spend with the driver can also influence the tip amount. For longer trips or multi-day tours, a higher tip is generally expected. This compensates the driver for their time and effort over an extended period.

Local Customs

While tipping is appreciated in Jordan, it’s essential to be mindful of local customs and practices. In some cases, drivers may refuse a tip if they feel it is too generous or if they believe they have not provided adequate service. It’s always a good idea to observe the behavior of locals and follow their lead.

Practical Tips for Tipping

Have Small Change

It’s helpful to carry small denominations of Jordanian dinars to make tipping easier. This allows you to tip appropriately without overpaying due to a lack of change.

Be Discreet

When tipping, it’s best to be discreet. Hand the tip directly to the driver rather than leaving it on a seat or in the vehicle. This ensures that the driver receives the tip and appreciates your gesture.

Express Gratitude

A simple “thank you” in Arabic (“shukran”) can go a long way in showing your appreciation. Coupling your tip with a verbal expression of gratitude can make the gesture more meaningful.


Tipping drivers in Jordan is a common practice that shows appreciation for good service. By following these guidelines and being mindful of local customs, you can ensure that your tips are appropriate and appreciated. Whether you’re taking a taxi, using a private driver, or enjoying a guided tour, a thoughtful tip can enhance your overall experience and leave a positive impression.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Is tipping mandatory in Jordan?

No, tipping is not mandatory in Jordan, but it is appreciated and often expected in the service industry, including transportation.

2. How much should I tip a taxi driver in Jordan?

A good rule of thumb is to round up the fare to the nearest dinar. For example, if your fare is 4.5 JOD, you could round it up to 5 JOD.

3. What is the standard tip for private drivers or tour guides?

For private drivers and tour guides, a tip of 10-15% of the total cost of the service is generally appropriate. For full-day tours, consider tipping 10-20 JOD per day.

4. Should I tip hotel shuttle drivers?

Yes, it is customary to tip hotel shuttle drivers, especially if they help with your luggage. A tip of 1-2 JOD per bag is a good standard.

5. How can I make tipping easier in Jordan?

Carrying small denominations of Jordanian dinars and being discreet when handing over the tip can make the process smoother and more appreciated.

By following these guidelines and being mindful of local customs, you can ensure that your tipping practices in Jordan are appropriate and appreciated.

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