Roman Theater in Jordan

The Roman Theater

The Roman Theater is one of the most important tourist attractions in Jordan. It is located in downtown Amman and dates back to the 2nd century AD. The theater can hold about 6,000 people and was built when Amman was called Philadelphia. It faces east to protect visitors from the sun. The theater was constructed during the reign of Antonius, the ruler of Philadelphia at that time.

Roman theater

The Roman Theater has three horizontal sections, side entrances (one leading to the stage and another to the orchestra), and some rooms behind the entrances. Today, it is used for folkloric and cultural events and is open for tourists to visit during the day.

On both sides of the theater, you will find small museums showcasing Jordan history and folklore.

In front of the theater, there is a large open space called the Hashemite Plaza. It is a popular spot for locals to relax and for children to play.

When you visit

  1. Go to the ticket window on your right. The ticket price for foreigners is 2 Jordanian Dinars.
  2. Enter through the main gate of the theater in front of you.
  3. Explore the stone seats of the theater and take memorable photos.
  4. Don’t miss visiting the folklore and heritage museums on the sides.
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