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The Royal Tank Museum Jordan

The Royal Tank Museum Jordan : A Fascinating Journey Through Military History

Welcome to the Royal Tank Museum Jordan, a national museum located in the heart of Amman. As the first of its kind in the region, this museum offers a unique and immersive experience, showcasing the development of military vehicles throughout history. With over 120 tanks and armored vehicles spanning the 20th and 21st centuries, the Royal Tank Museum is a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts, families, couples, and solo travelers.

Unveiling the Evolution of Tanks

The Royal Tank Museum takes you on a captivating journey through time, exploring the evolution of tanks from medieval times to the present day. The museum is divided into 14 different halls, each offering a glimpse into a specific era or conflict. Whether you’re interested in the development of tanks during World War I or the conflicts in the broader Middle East, the museum provides a comprehensive overview.

Interactive Storytelling Exhibition

To enhance your experience, the Royal Tank Museum offers interactive storytelling exhibition tools. These tools allow you to dive deeper into the history and significance of each tank and armored vehicle on display. Immerse yourself in the stories behind these powerful machines and gain a deeper understanding of their role in military history.

Admission and Opening Hours

The Royal Tank Museum welcomes both Jordanian visitors and international tourists. Here are the admission fees:

Jordanians and Residents:

  • Adults: 2JDs
  • Children under 12 accompanied by their families: Free
  • Security Forces: Free

Jordan Visitors:

  • Adults: 5JDs
  • Children under 12: 2JDs

The museum is open every day except Tuesdays from 10 AM to 4 PM. Take your time to explore the vast collection and absorb the rich history on display.


The Royal Tank Museum is committed to providing accessibility for all visitors. The museum is wheelchair-friendly, ensuring that everyone can enjoy and appreciate the exhibits.

Explore More with Jordan Tours

In addition to the Royal Tank Museum, Jordan Tours offers a wide range of tour options to explore the wonders of Jordan. Whether you’re interested in private independent tours, classic and cultural tours, day tours, ecological tourism, or special interest tours, Jordan Tours has something for everyone.

Meetings and Incentives

If you’re planning a corporate event or incentive trip, Jordan Tours can assist you in organizing a memorable experience. From incentives in Jordan and Petra to conferences and conventions, team-building activities, special events, and site inspections, their dedicated team will ensure a seamless and successful event.

Travel Information and Useful Resources

Before embarking on your journey to Jordan, it’s essential to gather relevant travel information. Jordan Tours provides valuable resources on interesting sites to visit, the climate in Jordan, the rich culture of the country, Jordanian cuisine, and useful Arabic words to enhance your travel experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

To address common inquiries, here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

  1. What are the opening hours of the Royal Tank Museum?
    The museum is open every day except Tuesdays from 10 AM to 4 PM.
  2. What is the admission fee for Jordanian visitors?
    Jordanian adults can enter for 2JDs, while children under 12 accompanied by their families and security forces can enter for free.
  3. What is the admission fee for international visitors?
    International visitors can enter for 5JDs, and children under 12 can enter for 2JDs.
  4. Is the Royal Tank Museum accessible for disabled visitors?
    Yes, the museum is accessible for disabled visitors, ensuring everyone can enjoy the exhibits.
  5. What other tour options does Jordan Tours offer?
    Jordan Tours offers private independent tours, classic and cultural tours, day tours, ecological tourism, and special interest tours.

Contact Us

If you have any further questions or would like to book a tour, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Visit our website for more information, testimonials from satisfied customers, and our blog for interesting articles about Jordan.

Experience the Royal Tank Museum Jordan and embark on a journey through military history like never before. Discover the power, innovation, and significance of tanks and armored vehicles that have shaped the world we live in today. Plan your visit now and create unforgettable memories at the Royal Tank Museum Jordan.

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