FAQS on Jordan

Here, you will find some common questions about Jordan and tourism in Jordan. Just click on the question to see the answer. If you don’t find your question.

Most travelers need a visa to visit Jordan. You can get it when you arrive at the airport or border for many nationalities. Check with the Jordanian embassy or consulate in your country to know what you need.

Tipping in Jordan is optional and not included in the bill like in some other countries. You can find more details about tipping here How Much to Tip a Driver in Jordan

Internet is available in Jordan, just like in other countries. When you arrive at the airport, you will find three companies offering internet SIM cards: Umniah, Zain, and Orange. Internet is also available in hotels and restaurants. In Petra, you will find spots with Wi-Fi too.

Mobile networks are available in all areas, even in remote towns. However, in the desert and mountains, like Wadi Rum and Petra, the signal might be weaker

It is not safe to drink tap water in Jordan. You will find bottled water everywhere, in shops and tourist sites. It is the best option

Yes, credit cards work in most shops and hotels. However, they are not accepted in small local shops

ATMs are available in all cities, as well as in hotels and near tourist sites. You won’t have trouble finding one

Jan 1 New Year’s Day
Jan 3 Mawlid al-Nabi (Birth of the Prophet)
Apr 3 Good Friday
Apr 6 Easter Monday
May 1 Labour Day
May 25 Independence Day
May 16 Lailat al Miraj (Night of Ascension)
Jun 10 Army Day
Jun 18 Start of Ramadan
Jul 18 Eid al-Fitr (end of Ramadan)
Sep 23 Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice)
Oct 13 Islamic New Year
Dec 25 Christmas Day

Jordan is two hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and three hours ahead during daylight saving time, which starts on the last Friday of March and ends on the last Friday of October

The voltage in Jordan is 220V, with a frequency of 50-60Hz

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